Thursday, September 6, 2007

So it begins...

Well, he got the shot today. Along with shrinking the prostate it's supposed to start working on the cancer, too. It was all so sudden-like. I wasn't expecting it this soon. It makes it all so much more real, so huge, so ugly.

So, after he went to bed I finally sat down and had a good long cry. I've been holding it in for so long now. I thought it might make me feel better. All it did, in fact, was make my face all red and puffy and my nose is stopped up and my eyes are swollen and red. So now I feel like crap on the outside and the inside!

Thank Goodness that g4 was showing a Ninja Warrior episode that had Nagano-san in it. That made me feel some better. The man is such an inspiration to me! His smile always makes me feel better.


Jeannie said...

It was the first day of many good days ahead for both you and your husband. :-)

Ah, the Nagano smile. I know it well. His smile makes me feel all giddy inside.

pamwax said...

Jeanie let me know whose site this was. I know 6 men with your husbands problem. All have had treatment and are doing great. So hang in there. Thing are going to be OK and we are here for you.

Some Kinda Wonderful said...

You guys are so sweet. I'm glad I met you. Thanks.