Tuesday, February 5, 2008

That makes 6 McCain's and 2 Huckabee's

... but no Democrats. I guess they are ceding Georgia to the Republicans again this time around. Of course, I haven't had to listen to any Romney calls either, which is a good thing. I think if I had to hear his voice coming out of my phone directly into my ear I would have to gouge my eardrum out.

I suppose you guys can guess what my previous statement refers to. Its the campaign robo-calls. So far I've gotten 4 recorded John McCain calls, one recorded Cindy McCain, two recorded Mike Huckasleeze calls and my hubby got one John McCain. One of my John McCains was even an opinion poll kind of call. But not one Democrat has bothered to call me and ask for my vote. That kinda pisses me off. Of course, the person who used to have my phone number before I did, may have been a Republican donor or something. Who knows...

I have seen a couple Obama commercials and 3-4 Hillarys. Neither of them seems to be working too hard to convince Georgians to vote for them. Course, we are just hicksville down here. And it is true that Georgia, like our neighbor S. Carolina, is a Republican stronghold. But I think they would get more voters than they think if they would just bother to campaign here, bother to ask us for our vote. I'm feeling pretty disenfranchised by the DNC right now. I feel like they ignore us. They have no sympathy for the plight of Democrats in Georgia. Of course, they disenfranchised the voters in Florida and Michigan this year, too. Who would have thought that would happen? Like they think they can win the White House without winning Florida?! What idiots. Still trying to play the same old games and don't even realize that the moment is passing them by. Has already passed them by for all I can tell. I certainly don't think of myself as an establishment Democrat. I am an Independent who votes Democrat so as not to waste my vote.

Anyway... just thought I would give out the tally. Show you all how much these candidates want my vote, ha! I will be going to vote after Pete comes home from work. I hate having to wait that long. But I don't have any choice. Besides... we always go as a family when we vote. Then it's back home to watch the returns. I think it's very exciting. I can't wait to cast my vote. I know I will be on pins and needles while watching the returns come in. This is almost as exciting as the general will be.

See you guys later. I may come back and blog some as the results are coming in.


Jeannie said...

Like I've said before, it's all about demographics. I got two calls today before noon- one from the Hillary camp and one hysterical one from the Obama camp.

When I picked up that phone call, I heard Stevie Wonder voice singing, "I Just Called To Say I Love You". Thinking it was a poor attempt at a lewd phone call, I was about to hang up when I heard Stevie Wonder's voice saying, "Vote for Barack Obama". How cheesy is that? Gimme a break already.

Are the candidates trying to insult my intelligence? I'm not going to vote for someone because I received a pre-recorded message...even if the voice on the phone is Stevie Wonder.

Grumble grumble.....

Some Kinda Wonderful said...

At least you got a song out of the deal. All I've gotten so far is talk about who is the most conservative. Like that's gonna make me want to vote for either of them???

pamwax said...

I hate all recorded phone calls. If you can't call me personally I'm hanging up. I really don't like political calls anyway. In the past when you use to get live calls during dinner and they would ask if they could count on my vote I always said no or non of your business. I think our primary is March 4th so the calls will start soon although most people forget El Paso exsists.

Some Kinda Wonderful said...

Well, being that we are Georgia, and being that Georgia is still way back in the dark ages concerning nearly every aspect of life (especially politics)... we probably won't be bothered any more until after the Conventions.