Friday, January 30, 2009

Can You Say "Uncle Tom"?

Michael Steele ~ Republican National Party Chairman

This man... he will say anything, do anything, be whatever he thinks people want him to be, to advance himself. He's a groveler, an ass-kisser, a spineless, gutless, self-respectless wonder.

Now that may be a miss-characterization. But it's my opinion. And further more... his "election" as RNC chairman just smells of a "us too" mentality in the Grand Old Party. They want their own first African-American. And this guy is sure willing to be their boy.


And beyond that, I wonder how long it will be before the Sarah Palin part of the party breaks off and forms their own political party. Think about it. Just stop being politically correct and all that crap and think about it for a moment...

What portion of the country got more "conservative", more "Republican", in the last election? The Deep South. Now... tell me what region of the country is most known for being racist? Ya see where I'm going with this?

Anyway... that's my opinion on this news of the day. I'm sure some folks will be offended by it just as some folks will agree. Either way, it doesn't matter. Time will tell who's right.


snowy said...

Ah, Maryland's former Lt. Govenor. Both him and Ehrlich were inefective, at best. At worst, they were entirely too willing to poke their noses into people's bedrooms and uterii.
...and who do the 'Publicans think they're fooling, anyway? Reminds me of a bunch of kids on the playground arguing, "uh-huh, we can SO have a black man in a position of power in our party." Same as Palin, "you got a woman? well, so do WE!" Actually, they didn't have a woman so much as they had a nutcase.
Okay, I'm off the soapbox.

Some Kinda Wonderful said...

There was a woman on Rachel tonight talkiing about that. Her words were something to the effect of the pukelicans going to "blackmanland" and getting their own black man. And she was a black woman saying this. But I said it first, cause I wrote my post before I watched Rachel. So there! :-)

Jeannie said...

I really can't comment because I don't know thing one about him. I just wanted to drop by though and say hi. "Hi!"

Love ya!

Some Kinda Wonderful said...

Hi Bunny! Love you too! Thanks for dropping by. You've been on my mind. :)